Battery Monitoring Install

Power Guard L.L.C. installs the Midtronics battery monitoring equipment that monitors and reports battery health statistics.
Power Guard performs load bank tests

Power Guard performs load bank tests on customers generators as part of best practices for maintenance and overall health and life of the generator. On diesel generators this helps to prevent wet stacking and on natural gas generators this helps to ensure the generator still maintains the load. We urge all of our customers to have a load bank performed […]
Power Guard – Certified Battery Technicians

Consider Power Guard for your battery maintenance and testing needs. We have technicians that are IEEE certified. Our staff can work on any battery type and ensure the performance of your system with proper maintenance and testing. Power Guard has trained and certified technicians that can install and implement battery monitoring solutions to monitor the overall […]
Power Guard UPS Systems Product Lines

Power Guard L.L.C. can provide and maintain UPS Systems for your battery backup power needs. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the main power fails, and is critical to a datacenter’s backup power. Without a UPS System in place, you risk outages, equipment damages […]
UPS Battery Inspections & Maintenance

Power Guard specializes in UPS backup power systems and batteries. Battery health and safety is a major concern for the reliability of the UPS system as well as the safety of the building in which the UPS resides. Battery maintenance and checks should be performed consistently to ensure the functionality and safety of the battery. Batteries left unchecked can […]
Power Guard Products & Services

Power Guard L.L.C. can provide and service the following equipment. – Industrial, commercial and residential standby power generation systems – Datacenter/Computer Room Air Conditioners 1 to 70 tons – Ceiling Air Conditioner Units 1 to 5 tons – Battery Backup UPS Systems – Automatic Transfer Switches – Paralleling Switchgear – Power Distribution Units – Medical Grade […]
Power Guard & STULZ Air Conditioning Systems

Power Guard can provide and maintain STULZ Air Conditioning Systems. STULZ is the world’s leading solution provider of energy efficient temperature and humidity management technology, specifically for mission critical applications. Backed by over 40 years of experience, STULZ is the foremost pioneer in the field of air conditioning solutions for dependable applications and data centers. STULZ […]
Power Guard completes another datacenter

Power Guard completed another datacenter for a customer and is fully operational on their campus. Pictured below are the Computer Room Air Conditioners (CRACs) and UPS units. Power Guard also installed the raised flooring and security cage.
Air Handler Install

Power Guard installed a CRAC (Computer Room Air Conditioning) unit for a customer’s datacenter room. The process involved removing the old unit and its frame, installing the new frame and setting the new unit on it and making the necessary adjustments and cuts to the raised floor so it fit correctly. The final step was getting it connected […]
Power Guard & ABB

Power Guard provides and maintains ABB technology and solutions. ABB’s power protection portfolio is a unique line up of UPS, power conditioning and power switching products, designed to solve power quality issues for commercial and industrial applications.